• Laparoscopic Surgery

    Surgery is a scary thought for anyone, but advances in human medicine are helping to make patients more comfortable and shortening stays in the hospital. Even our pets are now benefiting from these improvements as cutting edge innovations are making their way into veterinary offices, providing a higher

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  • Learn How to Master Walking Your Dog for Walk Your Pet Month

    Does your dog need a little help walking on a leash?

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  • Leopard Geckos

    The scientific name for leopard gekos is Eublepharis Macularius. They may live 20 or more years and grow to be approximately 8-10 inches long. Their common coloring is yellow and white with black spots (hatchlings start out striped, and gradually change to the spotted appearance). There are several color

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  • Leptospirosis

    Leptospirosis is a serious, life-threatening disease caused by a spiral shaped bacteria. Dogs, cats, other animals and even people can be infected through exposure to urine, bite wounds, ingestion of infected flesh, or contact with contaminated soil, water and even bedding. Certain environmental conditions

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  • Leptospirosis

    Leptospirosis is a re-emerging disease. This bacterial disease most commonly causes liver and kidney problems in dogs, but can also cause lung, pancreas, and eye symptoms. It is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transferred from animals to people, in fact, it is the most common zoonotic disease in

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  • Lilies are Dangerous to Cats

    A significant source of toxicity for cats that is unknown to many people are lilies. These flowers are beautiful, available in a variety of colors, and common in cut flower arrangements. They are also easy to grow and are found in many gardens. But, they can be very dangerous for cats. The Animal Poison

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  • Litter Box Problems

    One of the most common complaints that cat owners make is that a cat will not use its litter box properly. Usually it is a problem with the cat urinating outside the box, but occasionally a cat will be defecating outside the box, or a cat may not want to use his litter box at all! First the cat should

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  • Liver Shunt

    A liver shunt is also named a PSS, portosystemic shunt, portacaval shunt or portosystemic vascular anomaly. This abnormality occurs when a pet's venous blood from the intestine bypasses the liver. In the normal pet, blood vessels pick up nutrients from ingested material in the intestine and carry it

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  • Living with a Handicapped Pet

    Strokes, vision problems, arthritis and other conditions don't just affect people. Pets also develop serious health problems that change their lives. Fortunately, you can help your handicapped pet enjoy a comfortable, happy life by making a few modifications to your home. Make Your Home Accessible Many

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  • Lost Pets

    Has your pet wriggled their way through the fence or dashed out the front door? When searching for your lost pet, make sure you include these steps in your hunt.

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  • Lovebirds

    Lovebirds are very social and form deep bonds with their owners. If you are short on time to spend with your lovebird, then it is best to get him or her a companion. There are several species of lovebirds, such as the genus Agapornis. But the most commonly found species in the pet trade include peach

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  • Lumps and Bumps: Routine Visits Pay Off

    When was the last time your pet visited the veterinarian? If you answered "not in a while," it is time to book your next appointment. Have you recently discovered a lump or bump on your pet? Don't let that new discovery go unexamined. While it may be completely benign, it is essential for your pet's

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  • Luxating Patella

    Luxating patella is a condition where the kneecap (patella) moves out of its normal position. Luxating patella is one of the most common knee joint abnormalities of dogs, but it is only occasionally seen in cats. It may affect one or both of the knees. In some cases it moves (luxates) towards the inside

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  • Lyme Disease & Your Pets

    How to Prev­ent and Remove Ticks Lyme disease is a top concern for dog owners who enjoy walking with their dog in grassy and wooded areas. Transmitted by deer ticks, Lyme disease can result in fever, joint lameness, fatigue, and general discomfort for your pet. While treatment is available, Lyme disease

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  • Macaws

    If you've decided to enter the entertaining world of bird ownership, you may be thinking about adopting a macaw. These giants of the parrot world make fun companions, but here are some things you should consider before making that purchase. What You Should Know About Macaw Ownership Macaws can make a

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  • Make Your House Pet Friendly

    Keeping your house pet friendly is critical to the health and wellness of your pets. Just what does pet friendly mean? A pet friendly house is a sheltered location for an animal to live, play and relax that is clean, safe, free from hazards and toxic materials. Most pets share house space with their

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