• Bloat in Dogs

    Bloat may end your dog's life if you're not aware of the symptoms.

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  • Blue Tongued Skinks

    Blue tongued skinks are quite and gentle, and quite easily tamed and handled. It is reported that even wild blue tongued skinks will sometimes allow themselves to be picked up without a struggle. Popular as pets, blue tongued skinks or "skinks" are moderately sized lizards native to Australia. They live

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  • Box Turtles

    North American box turtles are mainly terrestrial turtles, although they do spend some time in shallow water (Asian box turtles tend to be a bit more aquatic). Compared to aquatic turtles such as red eared sliders, they are more challenging and complex pets, and are not the best choice for beginning

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  • Breed Characteristics

    Each cat breed has certain characteristics. Although every cat is unique, certain breeds tend to be more inquisitive, lively, placid, vocal, or gentle than others. Veterinarians, cat-fancy clubs, pet stores, and cat shows are good sources of information about the personalities of various breeds. When

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  • Breed Specific Rescue Groups

    Many dog owners admire the unique looks and personalities of purebreds, but also worry about the fate of millions of pets euthanized each year. What many people don't realize is that there are specific breed rescue organizations for almost every breed of dog, placing dogs in need to new homes. Dogs aren't

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  • Breeder

    Buying from a reputable breeder gives you the opportunity to interact with the pets family, siblings, dam, also possibly the sire. You can, therefore, form a general impression of what the future holds for the pet you take home. A responsible breeder is a good source for a well-bred, healthy pet. The

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  • Bringing Dog Vision in Focus

    Veterinary ophthalmologists are often asked, "How well do animals see?" Visual function involves a combination of many factors, including: the field of view, depth perception, acuity, perception of motion, and color differentiation. All of these functions must then be integrated by the brain to produce

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  • Bringing a New Pet in the Home in the New Year

    Are you planning on adding a pet to your family this year? These tips will help you prepare for the arrival of your furry, feathered, or finned friend.

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  • Budgies

    Budgies (budgerigars) are an extremely popular pet bird, and for good reason. These small parrots make delightful pets, and are usually friendly and easy to tame. While they can sometimes be difficult to understand, they are quite capable of mimicking speech. Budgies are sometimes also called parakeets

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  • Calcium is Not Always Good

    When examining a blood panel, a veterinarian may report to the owner that a pet has hypercalcemia, which is an elevated level of calcium in the blood. The owner often then wonders if there is too much calcium in the pet's food or in the vitamins or supplements the pet is taking. Ingesting calcium in

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  • Camping With Your Pets

    Camping is an increasingly popular activity for families and their pets. Many dogs and some cats enjoy traveling with their families. Here are a few tips to help make your pet's adventure into the great outdoors a success. Research the campground or area that you are planning on visiting. Not all

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  • Camping with Pets

    Camping with pets presents its own challenges. Skunks, raccoons, porcupines, snakes, and other wildlife can bite or otherwise injure your pet. Keep your pet within sight and on a leash. Be considerate of other campers. Be sure to ask your veterinarian about flea, tick and heartworm prevention.

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  • Can I Leave My Pet in the Car?

    Not sure if you should leave your pet in the car? The answer to this question is always the same.

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  • Can My Dog Give Me a Blood Infection?

    Can a few affectionate licks from your dog make you sick?

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  • Can My Pet Get Depressed?

    Has your pet been a little moody lately? Find out if depression may be to blame.

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  • Can My Pet Get Me Sick?

    Feeling a little under the weather? You may have caught an illness from your pet.

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